Rewiring through the Right Type of Meditation

As you go forward along this recovery journey, there are powerful tools you will discover to help you rewire and rebalance your system in the first phase of healing. One of the tools that can help begin to transform your life is listening to this particular type of meditations, designed for chronic illness recovery. When you combine this specific type of meditation with other tools I share, like Energy Cycling, you find that you have started to create a foundation of stability in yourself.

The meditations on this page have been tried and tested on myself and on people I have helped, and you will find they begin to support the regulation your autonomic nervous system in a short time of using them.

There are many different types of meditations in the world, but these ones are for people with chronic health conditions who wish to rewire their brains and bodies for coming out of Fight, Fight, Freeze and moving into the parasympathetic mode.

As you know, most people with chronic complex conditions are not getting the benefit of good sleep or decent rest, so the added benefit of taking time out of activities to listen to one of these meditations is a way of restoring your energy and moving into harmony.

What to do


You can sit or lie down. 

You don't have to do anything. 

You don't have to try. 

You don't have to "get it". 

Just be there. Just listen.

Note: If you cannot sit or lie down at the moment and you believe you cannot meditate, see the bottom of this page.

Amari Introduces Meditation

Rewiring Your Mind

💗  This resource is especially for you💗

Meditation it might be something you tried which didn’t help in the past. Perhaps you have already spent a long time on this healing journey, and don’t want to try meditation as a tool.  So many people feel that way whilst on the path to recovery. It’s so natural as it’s deeply connected to the fight, flight, freeze nervous system that keeps us very actively searching, and not keen to slow down even for a moment. Even trying one of these meditations is a great step forward, and so thank you for being here.  I know how hard it is to keep an open mind.   

With meditation, it has to be the right type as healing from chronic conditions is not simple. I am not saying that meditation is a cure nor is there any ‘quick fix’, but it can really help when used with the other tools and techniques. 

You will find that it is possible to take steps towards recovery with the tools on this website, (including the meditations) for creating resilience and stability – and that this will give you a foundation to build on.

Notice what makes you feel soothed as you listen to a meditation. That is what occurs as meditations begin to help rewire your mind and reset your ANS, so see if any of these ones resonate for you.  

Taking this new step forward does mean taking a little pause (temporarily, and just for a minute or two to start with!)
I know it’s difficult to do that, and so I invite you to see if you can embrace this moment as a potential turning point where you actively choose to have some moments of the day turn away from urgency, away from the stress of searching and away from the “fight” to survive… and towards peacefulness, towards restoring harmony.

💗 The ones by me were created especially for you 💗

Try one to begin with. No rush to do loads… you can try out different ones on different days to see if any or some feel soothing. If you fall asleep during a meditation, that’s completely okay.  In fact, there is no wrong experience to have. 

The Meditations

The idea is that you will come to enjoy these meditations, and start to listen regularly.

If you prefer one of these voices or styles over another, go with that. These experiences are supposed to become a pleasure for you, so allow yourself to be guided by what you like. No need for much variety. You could listen to the same one every time – as long as it gives you some peaceful moments or a sense of soothing.

Focus Breathing Meditation by Amari

10 minutes

This is a focus meditation for you. Best experienced with headphones as it has sound healing to help your nervous system.

Press play and close your eyes.

“Remain as You Are” Meditation by Mooji

10 minutes

Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher who was based in Brixton, London for many years. He became known as the Buddha of Brixton for that reason. Now he lives in an ashram in Portugal. See how you get along with him.

A guided meditation is here for you of 10 minutes.

Be The Witness Meditation by Ram Dass

18 minutes

In this meditation, you are invited to sit with what is – with the mind, the feelings, the body, and the sounds around you. Like leaves drifting down a river, let thoughts and sensations arise, exist, and move on without trying to alter or make sense of them.

Being is the Common Factor by Rupert Spira *No music

20 minutes

In this meditation Rupert Spira shares that:

“… everything and everyone borrows its independent existence from the single reality of being. Being is the common factor in whatever exists.”

Loving Kindness Meditation by Kristin Neff *No music

21 mins

Kristin Neff is someone famous in the world of self-compassion healing. See how you get along with her.

She says about this meditation: “It is a practice designed to generate feelings of goodwill and kindness, both for others and ourselves. This practice is not about wishful thinking; rather, it is a practice that sets our intention on kindness.”

Enjoy The Now by Ekhart Tolle *No music

16 mins

Here is a short meditation for you from Ekhart Tolle. He says: “Discover the art of presence and awaken from the dreamlike state of continuous thought. This meditation invites you to embrace the now, enhance your awareness, and find comfort in the present without the distractions of past or future.”

Affirmation Breathing Meditation by Amari

13 minutes

Here is a meditation where I guide you through some gentle, uplifting affirmation breathing. It is very healing for the nervous system and it is great for mindset, so you can use this one to turn around symptoms of depression or negative thinking.

I recommend headphones if you would like to also get the full benefit of the gentle sound healing on this one (432 Hz).  After you press play, you can close your eyes:

Structured Rest Meditation

20 minutes

This is a meditation that was designed to help people I am working with build up to a structured rest of 20 minutes. So I am sharing it here.

I guide you into allowing restoration. This is very healing for brain rewiring and nervous system rebalancing, so you can use this one regularly if you find it helps reduce symptoms.

Surrender Meditation by Amari

25 minutes

This is a meditation designed to give you some ease, especially if you are in a flare-up or in a crash. It is to help you surrender to what is, to remove the layer of resistance that causes additional stress and additional symptoms.

💗 Use headphones for full benefit as the sound healing on this one requires bilateral input (two ears, two inputs = headphones) 💗



A beautiful guided meditation  on peacefulness is here for you by Mooji. He says: “A peaceful life is priceless, a peaceful mind is priceless.”

Inhale Confidence Meditation by Amari

30 minutes

This guided meditation is designed to help you begin to move out of fear and doubt, so typical of being in Fight, Flight, Freeze and into a state of deep trust and confidence. It supports brain rewiring and and creating new neural pathways, helping you cultivate a sense of embodied safety.

🎧 For best results: Use headphones to experience the full benefits of the sound healing frequencies.

Note on other Types of Meditations

You may have already looked into or tried to meditate for healing. So I would like to help you see that the scope of Meditations is a huge arena, and we really need to specifically use the right ones for a chronic condition to get any benefit.

There are many types of meditations: from Yoga Nidra and Chakra Healing to Vision quests and trance meditations with hypnosis and strong sound healing. Many of these are very disruptive for someone with a chronic complex condition.

Some meditations (not the ones here!) can increase a state of numbness or freeze, and can make the individual disassociate. So, I do recommend these particular ones for you to try to begin with. 

For this healing journey, it is very specific what is needed at each different phase of the recovery path. This is why I have put this page here for you 💗 

The restful meditations here are specifically chosen to be the ones that can help you start to regulate your ANS and rewire your brain, restoring your energy and beginning your journey to full health.